In a nutshell, I shift voxels and pixels around under the name Munich Filmworks and bring ideas visually to life. My focus lies on FX (Fluids & Dynmics) but as a 3D generalist I am able to replicate a whole VFX pipeline from the initial idea to final shot completion.
Fluids & Dynamics
Simulation of natural phenomena like giant duststorms, crumbling buildings, volcanoes or subtle smoke and dust effects.
3ds Max | Thinking Particles | FumeFX | Houdini
Scripting & Coding
Scripting and coding are essential parts of my daily workflow not only to create stunning FX but also to optimize my workflow.
Maxscript | C# | Python
Building complex shaders and lighting are key factors for realistic CGI and play a huge role in my visual effects shots.
V-Ray | Mari | Mudbox
Usually I do the compositing in NukeX but I am also capable of enhancing the Image with Adobe AfterEffects.
NukeX | AfterEffects
"Large scale FX require attention to detail. And alot of disk space."
Sandstorm - 1.25 TB of simulation data
FX REEL 2019
Check out my latest showreel to get an impression of my FX work. All shots were taken from concept to final.
VFX Breakdowns
Have a look at some of my VFX Breakdowns to get a more detailed impression of how I work.
Triple Explosion - VFX Breakdown
The Last Flag - VFX Breakdown
Collapsing Bridge - VFX Breakdown
Sandstorm - VFX Breakdown
As an VFX Artist / FX TD and economist (M. Sc.) located in Munich (Germany) I am not only interested in creating stunning FX but also approaching it in an efficient way. I am specialized in the field of simulation and dynamics and I constantly develop applications and scripts to improve my work and also help others by making some parts of my scripts available to the public (e. g. FumeFX ModernUI for handling FumeFX with VrayVolumeGrids).